The website address is, (this is also the website address for gnpd-packaging subscribers). You type the address in the address/location (depending on the type of Internet browser software you are using) text box on the toolbar of the Internet browser.

Below is a Netscape 4.6 example. Typing ‘http://’ before the actual address is optional.

After having typed in the website address, press Return, and you will then be presented with the gnpd home page.

The Highlights information, which is situated to the left of the screen.

The home page toolbar is situated on the top right of the screen. 

- information on what gnpd offers.

- see personal settings for more information.

- see searching for more information.

- products database, see site navigation and main toolbar for more details.

- product editorial database, see site navigation and main toolbar for more details.

- click to view online help.